Mass Text App™

The Perfect Communication Platform for Your Brand

Mass Text App™ allows you to make important announcements, promote new product lines, encourage impulse purchases and keep customers updated. Our ringlesss voicemail & SMS messaging platform can help your business reach out to your customers by sending text messages directly to their phones.

What Does Mass Text App™ Do?

The main purpose of Mass Text App™ is to help your business communicate with your customers. As we’ve already highlighted, communication will prove to be key to your businesses success. It keeps your brand present in potential buyers minds and it can encourage purchases that people wouldn’t have otherwise made if it wasn’t for you planting the seed and drawing them to browse your stock with a simple text. Through Mass Text App™, you can connect with anyone who has approved marketing comms with announcements, alerts, coupons and other marketing techniques that can push sales. It’s highly effective at opening up communication channels between your brand and both new and existing clients.


There’s a reason that many major companies and corporations make use of text messaging in their marketing campaigns. It’s effective and it maximises profits. Here are three of the main benefits that come hand in hand with Mass Text App™.
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High Volume SMS Delivery via Local Phone Number

One of the main strengths of Mass Text App™ is that it’s capable of sending huge volumes of SMS messages. It can bulk send text messages to a number contacts, so no matter how big your list of individuals who have signed up to marketing comms may be, Mass Text App™ will be able to cope with the workload. It also makes use of local phone numbers to gain the highest response rate.

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Ease of Use

Mass Text App™ has an extremely feature rich user interface. It is extremely easy to navigate, making it suitable for all of your company’s text marketing needs. You won’t have to undergo, or provide staff, with extensive training to get to grips with it.

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Competitive Pricing

Of course, price is always going to be a matter of interest for anyone running a business. After all, you want to maximise your profit margins as much as possible. While Mass Text App™ provides a whole lot of value, it comes at an extremely competitive price. We offer plans starting at $20/month - the lowest rate on the market across 80 different countries!

Mass Text App™ Provides Superior Text Marketing with 2000+ Integrations

Automate Tedious Processes With Mass Text App’s Zapier Integration

In any business, time equals money. You want your day to day, routine processes to take as little time as possible. This will free up your own time and your employees’ time, allowing you to focus on more progressive areas of your company. With Mass Text App™, you can streamline your day to day text marketing by using Zapier Integration. This will allow you to create action steps in your CRM, webform and more that will trigger Mass Text Services to send the right SMS message to your desired group of contacts.
mass text messaging app

Mass Text App™ Pricing Plans

Flexible Pricing Plans for Small to Large Businesses

United States

Messages will be deducted from your membership balance. Additional messages may be purchased in your portal and will deduct from your balance at the same message rate set by your membership. You only pay for successful deliveries.


9.9 ¢ Per Message
(Voicemail and SMS)


No Monthly Commitment
Fund Your Account
$ 50
Add More Anytime
Additional Messages
Per Message


2.9 ¢ Per Message
(Voicemail and SMS)


Monthly Recurring Subscription
Gives You
1,587 messages
Per Month
Additional Messages
Per Message


1.9 ¢ Per Message
(Voicemail and SMS)


Monthly Recurring Subscription
Gives You
11,628 messages
Per Month
Additional Messages
Per Message


1.7 ¢ Per Message
(Voicemail and SMS)


Monthly Recurring Subscription
Gives You
25,641 messages
Per Month
Additional Messages
Per Message


1.5 ¢ Per Message
(Voicemail and SMS)


Monthly Recurring Subscription
Gives You
57,143 messages
Per Month
Additional Messages
Per Message


1.4 ¢ Per Message
(Voicemail and SMS)


Monthly Recurring Subscription
Gives You
121,212 messages
Per Month
Additional Messages
Per Message


1.2 ¢ Per Message
(Voicemail and SMS)


Monthly Recurring Subscription
Gives You
275,862 messages
Per Month
Additional Messages
Per Message


as low as
$ 0.004 Per Message
(Rates Vary By Tier)

$ 100+

Minimum Monthly Commitment
Perfect For
High Volume
Bring Your Own
SIP Trunks

See why millions of businesses choose Mass Text App™!

Why Choose Mass Text App™?

Nowadays, all business owners – no matter what area you’re specialising in or what products and services you’re offering – will be operating in an increasingly saturated marketplace. Texting is, by far, one of the most effective ways that you can get your message out to your customers. While consumers’ inboxes are flooded with marketing emails, few companies are sending messages via text. This makes sure your message is noticed and heard on a mass scale without having to fork out the budget you’d require for radio, TV or billboard advertising. When you choose Mass Text App™, you can get your campaign started in minutes!
best mass text app
free mass text app

Creating a Mass Texting Campaign is Easy

There are a few short stages involved in an SMS marketing campaign using Mass Text Apps. The process will include:

  • Uploading your contact lists
  • Creating the content for your messages
  • Specifying your delivery schedule
  • Reviewing the performance of the messages

Mass Text App™ Powerful Features

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Local Number Pooling

Our number pooling feature allows you to send texts out to individuals in a local area by matching their area code. This can help to dramatically increase the response rate to your marketing campaign. To maximise your delivery rate, responses, sales and conversions, we consistently monitor the health of our number pool and rotate in new local numbers as needed. You’ll find that by using this feature, you’re also able to deliver text messages at a much faster rate than is traditionally allowed by sending from a single caller id.


Detailed Analytics

We can provide you with detailed analytics, tracking delivered messages, inbound texts, inbound calls, and which carriers are blocking your messages. This will help you to make more informed business decisions.

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Conversational Threads (Inbox)

Communication doesn’t have to be one way from you to your customer. With Mass Text App™, you can set up conversational threads that allow you to respond to customers on a one-to-one basis. Alternatively, to save time, you can create canned messages for common topics that will answer FAQs quickly and effectively.

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Drip Delivery

Sales teams can become quickly overwhelmed by high response rates all flooding in at once. To avoid this situation, we’ve added a drip delivery feature to Mass Text App™, which will schedule SMS deliveries to send gradually throughout a day rather than all at once. We will ensure that the number of texts being sent out by your company don’t exceed an hourly limit that you can choose to impose on long-code phone numbers.

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Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

Some customers will call you in response to your message. If you are unable to operate your own phone lines around the clock, we can direct your customers to automated voice recording. This will give a professional impression and can provide them with the information they need or encourage them to call back during your operating hours.

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SMS Forwarding

If you want customers to be able to respond to the texts that you have sent out, but you don’t want them to have access to your number, we can forward responses directly to your phone. This ensures questions are answered but your privacy isn’t invaded.

See why millions of businesses choose Mass Text App™!

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Call Forwarding

In a similar way, if customers want to respond to your text by call, we can forward calls to you. Again, enabling contacting but preserving your privacy.

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Bulk Contact Uploads

You can integrate our service with your own CRM or lead generation software. We use a universally supported CSV format, which allows us to import up to millions of contacts from your system into ours. We can also handle the complexities of international number formats and conversion.

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Global Delivery

Many people do business in multiple countries. If you want to send text messages to international numbers, we can accommodate you! We are capable of delivering messages to 80+ countries. You can visit our pricing section for more details of this.

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Mass Text Apps offers an open API, which is capable of handling high volume sending of SMS and Ringless Voicemail messages!


SMS Autoresponder

Automated responses can give immediate feedback or information to your customers who have responded. Create automatic text responses triggered by keywords that appear in frequently asked questions relating to the message you’ve sent out.

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MMS Messaging

Messages don’t have to be confined to SMS. You can send bulk MMS messages too! This allows you to send rich content including pictures and videos to your customers text message inbox!

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You can add SMS to your CRM and sales workflows. This will allow you to automatically trigger SMS with over 2000+ Integrations.

text app

Take advantage of this affordable and highly effective means of marketing communication today! Mass Text App™ offers a huge number of tools that will ensure your text campaigns are successful. This includes an impressive lead generation tool that you can add directly to your email campaigns and websites for clients to opt in.

texting app

Collectively, 56 billion text messages are sent every month with a 98% open rate. Communicating with potential customers via SMS allows your business to spread its message and lets recipients respond in their own time.

Join Today and See The Benefits that Mass Text App™ Holds for Your Business!

We offer hassle-free membership with free cancellations. Register now to gain full access to the Mass Text App™ portal!

Hassle Free Texting Service

See why millions of businesses choose Mass Text App™